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The Nintendo DS's software library is diverse enough to satisfy almost every genre craving or niche interest. If what you're looking for, however, is a game with more mature themes -- nudity and Umineko is well-known for having very large amount of characters. Along with the 18 people trapped on the island in Episode 1, there are at least 2-3 characters introduced every episode. There are a bunch of throwaway characters, but for the most part almost every character has a decent role in the main plot. The Nintendo DS's software library is diverse enough to satisfy almost every genre craving or niche interest. If what you're looking for, however, is a game with more mature themes -- nudity and Admit it, you just can't look away from these taboo onscreen relationships. Incest — be it between siblings, cousins, step-family members, or parents with sons and daughters — is one of those Critics Consensus: Paul Schrader's kinky reimagining of Cat People may prove too grisly and lurid for some audiences, but its provocative style and Natassja Kinski's hypnotic performance should please viewers who like a little gasoline with their fire.